McCallister Sculpture - Ryan McCallister - Arizona
Blogging U.

Featured by Blogging University: #Blogging201

From header to footer, does everything convey McCallister Sculpture? Here’s my brand audit checklist (SO to my wife who’s a marketing guru for getting me organized):

Feel free to use this for your own brand and let me know anything else you’d add!

  • Is my bio accurate and updated?
    • I noticed my “About Me” page was one of the most popular pages on my site for new visitors – you only make one first impression folks!
  • Are my color themes on brand/ complement my content?
  • Does my header/ banner font match what’s on my marketing material?
  • Is my logo prominently placed and recognizable?
    • If you don’t have one, there are some cost-efficient ($5) options from graphic designers at
  • Are my social media channels consistent with my brand?
    • Although content and tone may vary, basic commonalities are fundamental to your brand ie: name, colors, bio, URL
  • Are my social media channels optimally placed to get new followers?
    • Hint: do they have the “follow” buttons easy accessible?  Is the widget a good preview of what they should expect?
  • Do I have a good mix of content to engage my readers?
    •  Do you have photos, videos, quotes, short text, long texts, call to actions? NOTE: If you have a photography website, I don’t expect you to start writing short essays. But maybe your subject choice stays in a fresh rotation between landscapes, portraits, still-life, and throw in a selfie FTW!
  • Is my tone consistent?
    • Are you professional, personal, quirky, smart, casual, or a thought-leader? This is key to ensure your readers that your posts will bring about a predictable mood when they’re ready to read it.
  • Does my menu convey what my site and brand is about, even if they don’t click in it.
    • If your site could talk, this is equivalent to its elevator speech!
  • Are those widgets strategic and have a purpose or are they unnecessary?
    • Don’t have widgets for widgets sake! Every inch of your site is premium real-estate, and you (and your readers) deserve better than that.

Hope this helps fellow bloggers!

Here is my first audit update: adding video to my content that has recently been image heavy. I’ll be posting more time-lapse videos of me in the studio to keep it fresh and give my readers a sense of daily interaction!